

Whitfield Lovell is so cool. I'm kind of really into a style similar to this? But not quite the same. I'm using white oil pastel. Anywho, lovin it! Please check him out!


John Duff

I'd say these are pretty sweet. Messing with your perceptions of line and space and whatnot. Kudos, Duff, kudos.

Boy Oh Boy..

...Would I like this green room!

And I was recently shown Julia Nunes (youtube sensation..) by my friend Binkles! So please check her out on youtube because I loooove her now! Listen to Maybe I Will and Binoculars and I Think You Know and all of her other songs! Because she's a great mood lifter!


I Know, I Know.

I always post a million at a time. Oh well. More photos found.

Happy List.

Short list of things that make me happy. In case you wondered :)

1. Making lists. It doesn't matter what I'm listing; I like it.

2. Harmonies. All throughout a song. Yummm.

3. Brownies. I'll eat a whole pan if I have the option.

4. Oil pastels. My weapon of choice for most occasions.

5. Just hanging out with people that I love and that love me. We don't have to do anything special. Just be in the same place at the same time.

6. Buying magazines.
photos found on ofpaperandplanes

Just Some Stuff I Like Looking At.


photos from ofpaperandplanes


Ryan Mcginley. He's a good one. Be careful if you look him up though, he takes mostly nudes!



Alright. I suppose I'm different from most girls in the regard that I do not obsess over weddings. Or fantasize about them really. I want a super teeny tiny one, and I want it outside, but that's about as much as I've thought about. Anyways.. I've been lurking some bridal sites that I've stumbled across lately and have decided that I really want a simple dress. I know it isn't the norm but I really just want a no-fuss beautiful loose-fitting dress. Not floor length. Like diz oneee ^^^ designed by Samuelle. If you asked my mom about this, she would say she's seen it coming. I bawled my eyes out around first communion time when I had to wear a frilly fussy white dress and veil.. gag. hahaha alright where there's my random post for the day. Anyone else like simple dresses? Or do you want a princess dress?

Muuuusic to My Ears..

I am loving this band my brother showed me the other day.. called Freelance Whales. PLEASE go on youtube and listen to their song Broken Horse. They totally remind me of Sufjan.. and I love them!


Sick Sick Sick.

I am sick. My brother was in an accident on his motercycle (but is okay praise Jesus). My mom was choking at the restaurant that she and my dad ate at tonight and a family friend had to give her the heimlich. I'm hoping tomorrow is a better day...

I Miss..

...summer. Time to spend with the ones I love the most. Like my frands :) For instance... Jessica and Adrienne, let's make brownies again very soon.


Please Appreciate These as Much as I do..

Absolutely gorgeous photos by Kari Herer. They make me want to have a tea party with all of my friends and wear pretty floral dresses and speak French. More here : http://www.etsy.com/shop/kariherer?page=3



I think King Charles Spanials are the cutest things ever. At least when they're puppies.

One More.

This wallpaper is a little more subtle but still very cool! http://www.anthropologie.com/anthro/catalog/category.jsp?popId=HOME&navAction=top&navCount=170&isSortBy=true&pushId=HOME-WALLPAPER&id=HOME-WALLPAPER


This has got to be the third or fourth wallpaper blog I've done.. but I just can't help myself. Isn't this wallpaper by Julia Rothman adorable? More of her designs etc here : http://www.juliarothman.com/


Antony Gormley

Super awesome sculptures. Look him up!



(photo taken by jen zahigan)
I recently found this super cool site kind of like etsy called printsociety where you can buy some sweet art. (more art at http://printsociety.com/artists//)

Oh My Goodness Dancers.

I stumbled upon these beautiful photos of model Masha Kirsanova taken by Mark Pillai. She isn't a dancer, but sure fooled me! More here: http://community.livejournal.com/noirfacade/296494.html#cutid1



With all of this beautiful weather we're having, I felt the need to post something beautifully springy. Photos courtesy of http://abbytrysagain.typepad.com/abbytryagain/2010/03/tiptoe-through.html
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